There was a time QWERTY key-pad. Then came the touch screen. There's too late, it will be tacaskrinao old. The screen will not stop the finger, the finger movement on the screen and type in your phone will be narrating will realize what you want to write or open a folder or app. That is science fiction, but it is going to happen. Recently, the US Patent Office has recognized the Apple patent application for a special technology. The new technology, called "Proximity Sensor and Detection and dimadiulesana multitouch" technology. Apple has already started the Prayuktibidera. It has, through the infrared LED and photodayodera not just the finger, palm or any other objects that will be very close to the screen, he will find this particular technology. Just as the iPhone sets of infrared proximity detection module header just like to say how the finger will perceive this new technology. It's a bit like Harry Potter jadukathi glance. However, you will have to wait a little while to get to fancy things.
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