"AI" is the status of the driver's

Automated vehicle recognition is a major milestone in this case is considered probable.
In a letter to the National Highway Traffic Safety Google's ayadaminastresana (enaeicatiesae) hemarsabo Chief Counsel Paul said, Google's auto-parts unit 015 of November 1, had proposed a design which does not require a human operator. Enaeicatiesae a person sitting in the car, but the vehicle design, vehicle sistemakei Google's proposed "driver" will try to consider.
Hemarsabo says, "In the last hundred years, the way we carry over" of calaka see it, he's as automatic vehicle 'calaka the idea that different, that we agree on. "
The automotive research agency of Calais Blue buka Carl brauyera said this context, automatic cars are still sufficiently and legal complexity of the question. But enaeicatiesae 'Artificial Intelligence controlled by a human rather than the transporting vehicle, if it is considered that they will take over the streets of automatic cars are going to come to some decision.
February 9, Google spokesman said, Google is still a long pratittura of enaeicatiesae 'assessment' is. In addition, Google executives said, established automobile manufacturers to produce vehicles with automatic bamdhabena they jomta.