PayPal Anti VPN
VPN and has started blocking DNS provider of online financial transactions platform PayPal. Violation of copyright laws may be feared that because the company has already taken steps to block.
VPN or Virtual Private Network via PayPal users can easily find the wrong information about their geographic location. For this work, there are different VPN service provider, who typically associated with this service is given in exchange for a fee, according to British sites wired technology.
VPN, a VPN service provider unoteli opposition immediately after the PayPal account has been closed. In the context of the organization's PayPal account unotelira be closed from informed, Paypal PayPal under ayakaseptebala Use Policy that can not be involved in any financial transaction of copyright, trademark law is violated. But why is the company at the beginning of the attack on unotelira, he commented that the wire is still not clear.
Netflix has taken the same step before the paypal. Naturalize citizens in other Netflix so you can not see the content, so the company took action. Paypal full month before Netflix and taking this step, and took the same step.


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