The reasons can block Facebook

Facebook are online all day. Post a lot of pictures, a lot of the comments. There are lots of your friends. Many of them on the wall or post. Get it. However, the New Testament, Facebook has taken strict measures. If not then the rules at any time that your account may be ghyacam ft. So from now on, do not think, they do not care. "
1) comment racial, gender discrimination or abuse to use: very carefully comment. Facebook comments reported in the ethnic, gender discrimination is not tolerated comment. Titillate religious sentiments are strong steps are taken in the post. To comment on this matter so stay tuned.
2) to a friend: Ha sat to wait. But your boyfriend or girlfriend is not increasing. So one day he was sent rikyuyesta ekadharase friend. That, and the neatly in your account is blocked. Rikyuyesta manusajanakei you can send a friend a certain number of days. If it takes action beyond Facebook.
3) Post Bar: A bar posts. As they saw it, not one. He regained the post. Pancasabara share the same post in such a way that the day when you may be blocked. Why? The fact that Facebook is the same message repeatedly seen in spam. So you can block. Even if a particular page repeatedly post the same message, if it contains the same provision.
4) Like crazy: like any post at least 500, if you do not mind 0 Comments Loading am not. Do not go to the street and tried to straighten crooked streets. There are many pages that can be bought or the like can be increased. It took them all by surprise. You can go with her surprise. Just go with the first warning will be given. But the same mistake again, the block will not be able to prevent someone from being.


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